Monday, May 20, 2013

The Flower - A Poem

Hey! Another poem from me! lol. Yeah, I used to write when I was in high school. But now, I just cannot write anymore. But it's no problem. I know I will be able to write again in the future. I think this is the very first poem I wrote? Yeah I think so. I think I also wrote another poem when I was writing this one, But I don't remember if I finished it or something, eh. That was like 3 years ago. Hahaha!
Anyway, this next poem was originally written as a project. Then a friend of mine noticed this and asked if I can replace the names with their names. The crazy thing is, it fits! Haha! The original names (if I remember correctly) were Rexian (named after my nephew) and Rose Mary Jane, because it has a name of a flower, which this poem is all about (did you see what I did there?)

The Flower
There is this one flower that is adored by everyone.
Especially this one boy named Christian.
Every morning, he is awakened by the sweet scent of these flowers,
So he got up from his bed and smelt the flowers for hours. 

One morning he woke up to see.
A girl in the garden, who could she be?
So he went to her and asked her name.
She couldn't answer because she was in pain. 

He took some flowers while she mourned,
And asked, "Why are you crying?"
She answered, "I picked some and got thorned,
that's what I get for trying." 

Christian strengthened his feelings and asked again for her name.
The girl smiled and said, "Jophelle Zane. :)"
He then offered the flowers he picked.
And that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

So, what do you think? This is my second favorite poem, the first one is Envisage. Anyway tell me your thoughts on the comments. Oh, and these two people, Christian and Jophelle, I also wrote a poem narrating their story. But I was unable to finish it because I don't know how their thing ended. Oh well.

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