Saturday, December 30, 2017

New Found Hobby - PLAMO

Heyya! So, these past few months have been a little busy due to work - and I'm starting to appreciate my shifting/rotating schedule! I like how we have some day offs during the weekday, and the challenge of commuting. But work is not what we're talking about now, it's about my new found hobby!

Me at Gundam Caravan during GMKC 2017 @ SM North Edsa Annex 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

New Year, New Life.

As we go through each phase in our life, there are things we must learn to let go of. In my case, choosing a good start in my career, meant leaving all of my loved ones behind. In as much as I would want to work in the province, I cannot find a good opportunity to start my career in the IT industry, and as any person who desires to be in the industry, I made a decision to move into the Metro.

I started passing resumes after Christmas. I did that in hopes that there will be no scheduled interview during the holiday seasons. And sure enough, after a handful of resumes sent, I was called for an interview at 2 IT companies in Mandaluyong, and Makati, respectively. 

One problem of leaving the comforts of your home is finding a place to stay in an alien environment, so it's always a good idea to contact someone you know from the place you're going to. In my case, it's my cousin. I find their boarded house (I don't how to express it in english, lol) perfect because it lies in the middle of the places I was called for.