Thursday, April 18, 2013

Adventure Time Wardrobe

Good day! Welcome to my first post on my blog. After a few months I finally decided to post things, because I'm lazy, like that. Playing pokemon and stuff.
Anyway, I present to you, my Adventure Time Wardrobe!
adventure time wardrobe

 We had to remake the internals of the wardrobe to make it more organized and neat. And hey, why not repaint it as well? The old paint was just plain green. No designs on it. BORING! So we (my brother) decided to add a painting on it. And that is what we came up with. I chose Adventure Time because it's easy to draw and its cute. :3 Who wouldn't want Finn and Jake painted on their cabinets? And it looks like a door to Adventure Time. LOL just kidding.

I couldn't find a good picture on the internet of them high-five-ing so I kinda put together some pictures.
Here is the digital version:
The black line in the middle is supposed to be where the doors of the cabinet separate.
And here are the original images from Google Image Search:

So yeah, I just put one picture on top of the other to get my desired look.

And now some more pictures:
Painted the background first. Because that's what my brother told me to do. :D

Oh look! Some random strokes! lol I was frustrated because of this and at the same time, glad. Because I have some left over mix of blue that was going to waste if I didn't use it. And you want to know who did this? You're right. A 2 year old kid. Hahaha! I went back to look for some bottle caps to put paint and when I returned, BOOM! A magical brush painted the mountains.

But I was able to repaint it the same afternoon. Whew.
I also should have painted the Adventure Time logo on the top right corner my but my mother was scolding me that it was behind schedule (I only work half day 'cause I sleep until 12pm lol) and my clothes are now collecting dust.

Next time logo... Next time.