Friday, July 5, 2013

Blog Post #3 - 2 Weeks of Inactivity

Good day fellow humans! Sorry I have been inactive for the past two weeks. First all of, I have my school works, and secondly, there's this thing that I had to do for a friend. Besides those, nothing interesting have been happening with my journey through life. 

Well, there were some good things that happened last Tuesday, July 2. We had an exam in Mechanics. It was all or nothing because the teacher only gave us one problem,
and only one (I think) got the correct answer. Yes that's right. Only one in our whole class got the correct answer, all of the rest got 5 marks for effort. The problem was very tricky because you have to apply what you know about circles and rectangles. And here's the good news,
the instructor was kind enough to give us a re-exam! It was actually a take home exam, but our score in that exam will be added to the first exam (which is 5 points) and will be divided by two, so our average score would be, 52.5, that is if we got the correct answer in the take home exam. 

Then there was this unlucky thing that happened to me. While I was taking a bath, the soap accidentally slipped from my hands and down to the drain which has no cover. It was literally just a hole in the ground carrying waste water outside. Fortunately, I was able to save half of the soap. LOL. 

Another thing was our internet lost connection for 3 days. My mom was already thinking of switching ISP but my Dad disagreed. LOL. I too would want another ISP. myBro's service isn't that satisfactory as it was then. Right now they implemented a Fair Use Policy (FUP) but we didn't even get a notification saying that they implemented that policy. I only learned it online. *Sigh. What to do. Half of myself resides in the Kingdom of Internetia. 

That's about what happened in the 2 weeks of inactivity. I will try my best to post everytime I have a chance. Cheers! :)

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